Peter Sooley
Hello! I'm Peter Sooley. I am the author of this blog.
I'm a pragmatic developer with over 10 years of experience in web systems.
This is a side project allowing me to express some thoughts on building software, working with clients and designers, or generally about the developer community and industry. Maybe this helps others looking for the same answers I've sought after.
Pragmatic Engineer
I try to look at the whole system and all of the strings attached to each decision before picking a solution. There are trade-offs in every decision and the key to my success depends on weighing those options carefully. I consider ramifications of technical debt, business priorities, staff capabilities, and other concerns before jumping straight in to solve the task. Because the impact of a technical change can be profound and lasting, I've found it extremely crucial and valuable to communicate and collaborate with others who would be influenced by the chosen course. I take care in writing documentation or presenting high-level material so that everyone is clear on the choices and possible outcomes. My pragmatic style has proven to be successful and even occasionally lands me into roles of leadership.
I enjoy working in a team of diverse individuals with different ways of thinking and handling problems. I share my ideas with confidence, but I'm also happy to let other ideas prevail. I'd rather collaborate and build up our strength as a team. I like mentoring others in technical skills, because it creates a team who shares in the responsibility of getting the work done.
After writing a lot of custom software in the past, it has given me a breadth of experiences to lean on, but I'm ready to shift into a product-focused business where innovation is a key factor of company success. I believe my range of technical experience as well as my systems-thinking approach would be valuable to your company's engineering efforts.
Where do you work?
I work for Downstream as the tech lead for building CMSs that sit behind each of the bespoke applications we build for our clients. I am currently spearheading an ambitious project to overhaul their CMSs into a single unified product.
Am I looking for work?